Dec 17, 2017
One-on-one consultation at no charge for VA and Community Providers who serve Veterans with specific questions about Suicide Risk Management.
Speak directly with staff psychologists and physicians about:
Dec 6, 2017
PsychArmor Institute’s FREE online course Helping Others Hold On provides tools and tips to recognize, understand, and combat suicidal feelings in Veterans. Course leaders Dr. Craig J. Bryan, Executive Director of the National Center for Veteran Studies at The University of Utah, and Carie Rodgers, Ph.D., Education...
Nov 20, 2017
In honor of Transgender Awareness Month, Dr. Shelby Scott, Denver VA Clinical Psychologist and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Veteran Care Coordinator, spoke with Adam Hoffberg at the Denver VA Rocky Mountain MIRECC to provide a thorough introduction to this topic. Dr. Scott discusses specific...
Oct 18, 2017
At the Bridging the Divide Conference we chatted with Ursula Whiteside and she told us why Now Means Now and how caring messages can go such a long, long way
Oct 18, 2017
From the 2017 Bridging the Divide Conference we had a short conversation with Richard T. McKeon, Ph.D., M.P.H., Chief of the Suicide Prevention Branch for SAMHSA.